

class chainercv.links.model.yolo.ResidualBlock(*links)

ChainList with a residual connection.

__call__(...) <==> x(...)


class chainercv.links.model.yolo.Darknet19Extractor

A Darknet19 based feature extractor for YOLOv2.

This is a feature extractor for YOLOv2


Compute a feature map from a batch of images.

Parameters:x (ndarray) – An array holding a batch of images. The images should be resized to \(416\times 416\).
Return type:Variable


class chainercv.links.model.yolo.Darknet53Extractor

A Darknet53 based feature extractor for YOLOv3.

This is a feature extractor for YOLOv3


Compute feature maps from a batch of images.

This method extracts feature maps from 3 layers.

Parameters:x (ndarray) – An array holding a batch of images. The images should be resized to \(416\times 416\).
Returns:Each variable contains a feature map.
Return type:list of Variable


class chainercv.links.model.yolo.YOLOBase(**links)

Base class for YOLOv2 and YOLOv3.

An inheriting this class should have extractor, __call__(), and _decode().


Detect objects from images.

This method predicts objects for each image.

Parameters:imgs (iterable of numpy.ndarray) – Arrays holding images. All images are in CHW and RGB format and the range of their value is \([0, 255]\).
Returns:This method returns a tuple of three lists, (bboxes, labels, scores).
  • bboxes: A list of float arrays of shape \((R, 4)\), where \(R\) is the number of bounding boxes in a image. Each bouding box is organized by \((y_{min}, x_{min}, y_{max}, x_{max})\) in the second axis.
  • labels : A list of integer arrays of shape \((R,)\). Each value indicates the class of the bounding box. Values are in range \([0, L - 1]\), where \(L\) is the number of the foreground classes.
  • scores : A list of float arrays of shape \((R,)\). Each value indicates how confident the prediction is.
Return type:tuple of lists

Use the given preset during prediction.

This method changes values of nms_thresh and score_thresh. These values are a threshold value used for non maximum suppression and a threshold value to discard low confidence proposals in predict(), respectively.

If the attributes need to be changed to something other than the values provided in the presets, please modify them by directly accessing the public attributes.

Parameters:preset ({'visualize', 'evaluate'}) – A string to determine the preset to use.