Source code for chainercv.evaluations.eval_instance_segmentation_voc

from __future__ import division

from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import six

from chainercv.evaluations import calc_detection_voc_ap
from chainercv.utils.mask.mask_iou import mask_iou

[docs]def eval_instance_segmentation_voc( pred_masks, pred_labels, pred_scores, gt_masks, gt_labels, iou_thresh=0.5, use_07_metric=False): """Calculate average precisions based on evaluation code of PASCAL VOC. This function evaluates predicted masks obtained from a dataset which has :math:`N` images by using average precision for each class. The code is based on the evaluation code used in `FCIS`_. .. _`FCIS`: Args: pred_masks (iterable of numpy.ndarray): An iterable of :math:`N` sets of masks. Its index corresponds to an index for the base dataset. Each element of :obj:`pred_masks` is an object mask and is an array whose shape is :math:`(R, H, W)`, where :math:`R` corresponds to the number of masks, which may vary among images. pred_labels (iterable of numpy.ndarray): An iterable of labels. Similar to :obj:`pred_masks`, its index corresponds to an index for the base dataset. Its length is :math:`N`. pred_scores (iterable of numpy.ndarray): An iterable of confidence scores for predicted masks. Similar to :obj:`pred_masks`, its index corresponds to an index for the base dataset. Its length is :math:`N`. gt_masks (iterable of numpy.ndarray): An iterable of ground truth masks whose length is :math:`N`. An element of :obj:`gt_masks` is an object mask whose shape is :math:`(R, H, W)`. Note that the number of masks :math:`R` in each image does not need to be same as the number of corresponding predicted masks. gt_labels (iterable of numpy.ndarray): An iterable of ground truth labels which are organized similarly to :obj:`gt_masks`. Its length is :math:`N`. iou_thresh (float): A prediction is correct if its Intersection over Union with the ground truth is above this value. use_07_metric (bool): Whether to use PASCAL VOC 2007 evaluation metric for calculating average precision. The default value is :obj:`False`. Returns: dict: The keys, value-types and the description of the values are listed below. * **ap** (*numpy.ndarray*): An array of average precisions. \ The :math:`l`-th value corresponds to the average precision \ for class :math:`l`. If class :math:`l` does not exist in \ either :obj:`pred_labels` or :obj:`gt_labels`, the corresponding \ value is set to :obj:`numpy.nan`. * **map** (*float*): The average of Average Precisions over classes. """ prec, rec = calc_instance_segmentation_voc_prec_rec( pred_masks, pred_labels, pred_scores, gt_masks, gt_labels, iou_thresh) ap = calc_detection_voc_ap(prec, rec, use_07_metric=use_07_metric) return {'ap': ap, 'map': np.nanmean(ap)}
[docs]def calc_instance_segmentation_voc_prec_rec( pred_masks, pred_labels, pred_scores, gt_masks, gt_labels, iou_thresh): """Calculate precision and recall based on evaluation code of PASCAL VOC. This function calculates precision and recall of predicted masks obtained from a dataset which has :math:`N` images. The code is based on the evaluation code used in `FCIS`_. .. _`FCIS`: Args: pred_masks (iterable of numpy.ndarray): An iterable of :math:`N` sets of masks. Its index corresponds to an index for the base dataset. Each element of :obj:`pred_masks` is an object mask and is an array whose shape is :math:`(R, H, W)`, where :math:`R` corresponds to the number of masks, which may vary among images. pred_labels (iterable of numpy.ndarray): An iterable of labels. Similar to :obj:`pred_masks`, its index corresponds to an index for the base dataset. Its length is :math:`N`. pred_scores (iterable of numpy.ndarray): An iterable of confidence scores for predicted masks. Similar to :obj:`pred_masks`, its index corresponds to an index for the base dataset. Its length is :math:`N`. gt_masks (iterable of numpy.ndarray): An iterable of ground truth masks whose length is :math:`N`. An element of :obj:`gt_masks` is an object mask whose shape is :math:`(R, H, W)`. Note that the number of masks :math:`R` in each image does not need to be same as the number of corresponding predicted masks. gt_labels (iterable of numpy.ndarray): An iterable of ground truth labels which are organized similarly to :obj:`gt_masks`. Its length is :math:`N`. iou_thresh (float): A prediction is correct if its Intersection over Union with the ground truth is above this value. Returns: tuple of two lists: This function returns two lists: :obj:`prec` and :obj:`rec`. * :obj:`prec`: A list of arrays. :obj:`prec[l]` is precision \ for class :math:`l`. If class :math:`l` does not exist in \ either :obj:`pred_labels` or :obj:`gt_labels`, :obj:`prec[l]` is \ set to :obj:`None`. * :obj:`rec`: A list of arrays. :obj:`rec[l]` is recall \ for class :math:`l`. If class :math:`l` that is not marked as \ difficult does not exist in \ :obj:`gt_labels`, :obj:`rec[l]` is \ set to :obj:`None`. """ pred_masks = iter(pred_masks) pred_labels = iter(pred_labels) pred_scores = iter(pred_scores) gt_masks = iter(gt_masks) gt_labels = iter(gt_labels) n_pos = defaultdict(int) score = defaultdict(list) match = defaultdict(list) for pred_mask, pred_label, pred_score, gt_mask, gt_label in \ pred_masks, pred_labels, pred_scores, gt_masks, gt_labels): for l in np.unique(np.concatenate((pred_label, gt_label)).astype(int)): pred_keep_l = pred_label == l pred_mask_l = pred_mask[pred_keep_l] pred_score_l = pred_score[pred_keep_l] # sort by score order = pred_score_l.argsort()[::-1] pred_mask_l = pred_mask_l[order] pred_score_l = pred_score_l[order] gt_keep_l = gt_label == l gt_mask_l = gt_mask[gt_keep_l] n_pos[l] += gt_keep_l.sum() score[l].extend(pred_score_l) if len(pred_mask_l) == 0: continue if len(gt_mask_l) == 0: match[l].extend((0,) * pred_mask_l.shape[0]) continue iou = mask_iou(pred_mask_l, gt_mask_l) gt_index = iou.argmax(axis=1) # set -1 if there is no matching ground truth gt_index[iou.max(axis=1) < iou_thresh] = -1 del iou selec = np.zeros(gt_mask_l.shape[0], dtype=bool) for gt_idx in gt_index: if gt_idx >= 0: if not selec[gt_idx]: match[l].append(1) else: match[l].append(0) selec[gt_idx] = True else: match[l].append(0) for iter_ in (pred_masks, pred_labels, pred_scores, gt_masks, gt_labels): if next(iter_, None) is not None: raise ValueError('Length of input iterables need to be same.') n_fg_class = max(n_pos.keys()) + 1 prec = [None] * n_fg_class rec = [None] * n_fg_class for l in n_pos.keys(): score_l = np.array(score[l]) match_l = np.array( match[l], dtype=np.int8) order = score_l.argsort()[::-1] match_l = match_l[order] tp = np.cumsum(match_l == 1) fp = np.cumsum(match_l == 0) # If an element of fp + tp is 0, # the corresponding element of prec[l] is nan. prec[l] = tp / (fp + tp) # If n_pos[l] is 0, rec[l] is None. if n_pos[l] > 0: rec[l] = tp / n_pos[l] return prec, rec