Source code for chainercv.experimental.links.model.pspnet.transforms

from __future__ import division

import math
import numpy as np

[docs]def convolution_crop(img, size, stride, return_param=False): """Strided cropping. This extracts cropped images from the input. The cropped images are extracted from the entire image, while taking a constant steps between neighboring patches. Args: img (~numpy.ndarray): An image array to be cropped. This is in CHW format. size (tuple): The size of output image after cropping. This value is :math:`(height, width)`. stride (tuple): The stride between crops. This contains two values: stride in the vertical and horizontal directions. return_param (bool): If :obj:`True`, this function returns information of slices. Returns: ~numpy.ndarray or (~numpy.ndarray, dict): If :obj:`return_param = False`, returns an array :obj:`crop_imgs` that is a stack of cropped images. If :obj:`return_param = True`, returns a tuple whose elements are :obj:`crop_imgs, param`. :obj:`param` is a dictionary of intermediate parameters whose contents are listed below with key, value-type and the description of the value. * **y_slices** (*list slices*): Slices used to crop the input image.\ The relation below holds together with :obj:`x_slices`. * **x_slices** (*list of slices*): Similar to :obj:`y_slices`. * **crop_y_slices** (*list of slices*): This indicates the region of \ the cropped image that is actually extracted from the input. \ This is relevant only when borders of the input are cropped. * **crop_x_slices** (*list of slices*): Similar to \ :obj:`crop_y_slices`. .. code:: crop_img = crop_imgs[i][:, crop_y_slices[i], crop_x_slices[i]] crop_img == img[:, y_slices[i], x_slices[i]] Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from chainercv.datasets import VOCBboxDataset >>> from chainercv.transforms import resize >>> from chainercv.experimental.links.model.pspnet import \ ... convolution_crop >>> >>> img, _, _ = VOCBboxDataset(year='2007')[0] >>> img = resize(img, (300, 300)) >>> imgs, param = convolution_crop( >>> img, (128, 128), (96, 96), return_param=True) >>> # Restore the original image from the cropped images. >>> output = np.zeros((3, 300, 300)) >>> count = np.zeros((300, 300)) >>> for i in range(len(imgs)): >>> crop_y_slice = param['crop_y_slices'][i] >>> crop_x_slice = param['crop_x_slices'][i] >>> y_slice = param['y_slices'][i] >>> x_slice = param['x_slices'][i] >>> output[:, y_slice, x_slice] +=\ ... imgs[i][:, crop_y_slice, crop_x_slice] >>> count[y_slice, x_slice] += 1 >>> output = output / count[None] >>> np.testing.assert_equal(output, img) >>> >>> # Visualization of the cropped images >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from chainercv.utils import tile_images >>> from chainercv.visualizations import vis_image >>> v_imgs = tile_images(imgs, 5, fill=122.5) >>> vis_image(v_imgs) >>> """ _, H, W = img.shape h = int(math.ceil((H - size[0]) / stride[0])) + 1 w = int(math.ceil((W - size[1]) / stride[1])) + 1 start_y = -(size[0] + stride[0] * (h - 1) - H) // 2 start_x = -(size[1] + stride[1] * (w - 1) - W) // 2 crop_imgs = [] y_slices = [] x_slices = [] crop_y_slices = [] crop_x_slices = [] for y in range(h): for x in range(w): y_min = y * stride[0] + start_y x_min = x * stride[1] + start_x y_max = y_min + size[0] x_max = x_min + size[1] crop_y_min = np.abs(np.minimum(y_min, 0)) crop_x_min = np.abs(np.minimum(x_min, 0)) crop_y_max = size[0] - np.maximum(y_max - H, 0) crop_x_max = size[1] - np.maximum(x_max - W, 0) crop_img = np.zeros((img.shape[0], size[0], size[1]), dtype=img.dtype) y_slice = slice(max(y_min, 0), min(y_max, H)) x_slice = slice(max(x_min, 0), min(x_max, W)) crop_y_slice = slice(crop_y_min, crop_y_max) crop_x_slice = slice(crop_x_min, crop_x_max) crop_img[:, crop_y_slice, crop_x_slice] = img[:, y_slice, x_slice] crop_imgs.append(crop_img) y_slices.append(y_slice) x_slices.append(x_slice) crop_y_slices.append(crop_y_slice) crop_x_slices.append(crop_x_slice) if return_param: param = {'y_slices': y_slices, 'x_slices': x_slices, 'crop_y_slices': crop_y_slices, 'crop_x_slices': crop_x_slices} return np.array(crop_imgs), param else: return np.array(crop_imgs)