Source code for chainercv.links.model.ssd.normalize

import numpy as np

import chainer
import chainer.functions as F
from chainer import initializers
from chainer import variable

[docs]class Normalize(chainer.Link): """Learnable L2 normalization [#]_. This link normalizes input along the channel axis and scales it. The scale factors are trained channel-wise. .. [#] Wei Liu, Andrew Rabinovich, Alexander C. Berg. ParseNet: Looking Wider to See Better. ICLR 2016. Args: n_channel (int): The number of channels. initial: A value to initialize the scale factors. It is pased to :meth:`chainer.initializers._get_initializer`. The default value is 0. eps (float): A small value to avoid zero-division. The default value is :math:`1e-5`. """ def __init__(self, n_channel, initial=0, eps=1e-5): super(Normalize, self).__init__() self.eps = eps with self.init_scope(): initializer = initializers._get_initializer(initial) self.scale = variable.Parameter(initializer) self.scale.initialize((n_channel),)
[docs] def __call__(self, x): """Normalize input and scale it. Args: x (chainer.Variable): A variable holding 4-dimensional array. Its :obj:`dtype` is :obj:`numpy.float32`. Returns: chainer.Variable: The shape and :obj:`dtype` are same as those of input. """ x = F.normalize(x, eps=self.eps, axis=1) scale = F.broadcast_to(self.scale[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis], x.shape) return x * scale