Source code for chainercv.transforms.image.random_crop

import random

[docs]def random_crop(img, size, return_param=False, copy=False): """Crop array randomly into `size`. The input image is cropped by a randomly selected region whose shape is :obj:`size`. Args: img (~numpy.ndarray): An image array to be cropped. This is in CHW format. size (tuple): The size of output image after cropping. This value is :math:`(height, width)`. return_param (bool): If :obj:`True`, this function returns information of slices. copy (bool): If :obj:`False`, a view of :obj:`img` is returned. Returns: ~numpy.ndarray or (~numpy.ndarray, dict): If :obj:`return_param = False`, returns an array :obj:`out_img` that is cropped from the input array. If :obj:`return_param = True`, returns a tuple whose elements are :obj:`out_img, param`. :obj:`param` is a dictionary of intermediate parameters whose contents are listed below with key, value-type and the description of the value. * **y_slice** (*slice*): A slice used to crop the input image.\ The relation below holds together with :obj:`x_slice`. * **x_slice** (*slice*): Similar to :obj:`x_slice`. .. code:: out_img = img[:, y_slice, x_slice] """ H, W = size if img.shape[1] >= H: y_offset = random.randint(0, img.shape[1] - H) else: raise ValueError('shape of image needs to be larger than output shape') y_slice = slice(y_offset, y_offset + H) if img.shape[2] >= W: x_offset = random.randint(0, img.shape[2] - W) else: raise ValueError('shape of image needs to be larger than output shape') x_slice = slice(x_offset, x_offset + W) img = img[:, y_slice, x_slice] if copy: img = img.copy() if return_param: return img, {'y_slice': y_slice, 'x_slice': x_slice} else: return img