Source code for chainercv.transforms.image.random_sized_crop

from __future__ import division

import math
import numpy as np
import random

[docs]def random_sized_crop(img, scale_ratio_range=(0.08, 1), aspect_ratio_range=(3 / 4, 4 / 3), return_param=False, copy=False): """Crop an image to random size and aspect ratio. The size :math:`(H_{crop}, W_{crop})` and the left top coordinate :math:`(y_{start}, x_{start})` of the crop are calculated as follows: + :math:`H_{crop} = \\lfloor{\\sqrt{s \\times H \\times W \ \\times a}}\\rfloor` + :math:`W_{crop} = \\lfloor{\\sqrt{s \\times H \\times W \ \\div a}}\\rfloor` + :math:`y_{start} \\sim Uniform\\{0, H - H_{crop}\\}` + :math:`x_{start} \\sim Uniform\\{0, W - W_{crop}\\}` + :math:`s \\sim Uniform(s_1, s_2)` + :math:`b \\sim Uniform(a_1, a_2)` and \ :math:`a = b` or :math:`a = \\frac{1}{b}` in 50/50 probability. Here, :math:`s_1, s_2` are the two floats in :obj:`scale_ratio_range` and :math:`a_1, a_2` are the two floats in :obj:`aspect_ratio_range`. Also, :math:`H` and :math:`W` are the height and the width of the image. Note that :math:`s \\approx \\frac{H_{crop} \\times W_{crop}}{H \\times W}` and :math:`a \\approx \\frac{H_{crop}}{W_{crop}}`. The approximations come from flooring floats to integers. .. note:: When it fails to sample a valid scale and aspect ratio for ten times, it picks values in a non-uniform way. If this happens, the selected scale ratio can be smaller than :obj:`scale_ratio_range[0]`. Args: img (~numpy.ndarray): An image array. This is in CHW format. scale_ratio_range (tuple of two floats): Determines the distribution from which a scale ratio is sampled. The default values are selected so that the area of the crop is 8~100% of the original image. This is the default setting used to train ResNets in Torch style. aspect_ratio_range (tuple of two floats): Determines the distribution from which an aspect ratio is sampled. The default values are :math:`\\frac{3}{4}` and :math:`\\frac{4}{3}`, which are also the default setting to train ResNets in Torch style. return_param (bool): Returns parameters if :obj:`True`. Returns: ~numpy.ndarray or (~numpy.ndarray, dict): If :obj:`return_param = False`, returns only the cropped image. If :obj:`return_param = True`, returns a tuple of cropped image and :obj:`param`. :obj:`param` is a dictionary of intermediate parameters whose contents are listed below with key, value-type and the description of the value. * **y_slice** (*slice*): A slice used to crop the input image.\ The relation below holds together with :obj:`x_slice`. * **x_slice** (*slice*): Similar to :obj:`y_slice`. .. code:: out_img = img[:, y_slice, x_slice] * **scale_ratio** (float): :math:`s` in the description (see above). * **aspect_ratio** (float): :math:`a` in the description. """ _, H, W = img.shape scale_ratio, aspect_ratio =\ _sample_parameters( (H, W), scale_ratio_range, aspect_ratio_range) H_crop = int(math.floor(np.sqrt(scale_ratio * H * W * aspect_ratio))) W_crop = int(math.floor(np.sqrt(scale_ratio * H * W / aspect_ratio))) y_start = random.randint(0, H - H_crop) x_start = random.randint(0, W - W_crop) y_slice = slice(y_start, y_start + H_crop) x_slice = slice(x_start, x_start + W_crop) img = img[:, y_slice, x_slice] if copy: img = img.copy() if return_param: params = {'y_slice': y_slice, 'x_slice': x_slice, 'scale_ratio': scale_ratio, 'aspect_ratio': aspect_ratio} return img, params else: return img
def _sample_parameters(size, scale_ratio_range, aspect_ratio_range): H, W = size for _ in range(10): aspect_ratio = random.uniform( aspect_ratio_range[0], aspect_ratio_range[1]) if random.uniform(0, 1) < 0.5: aspect_ratio = 1 / aspect_ratio # This is determined so that relationships "H - H_crop >= 0" and # "W - W_crop >= 0" are always satisfied. scale_ratio_max = min((scale_ratio_range[1], H / (W * aspect_ratio), (aspect_ratio * W) / H)) scale_ratio = random.uniform( scale_ratio_range[0], scale_ratio_range[1]) if scale_ratio_range[0] <= scale_ratio <= scale_ratio_max: return scale_ratio, aspect_ratio # This scale_ratio is outside the given range when # scale_ratio_max < scale_ratio_range[0]. scale_ratio = random.uniform( min((scale_ratio_range[0], scale_ratio_max)), scale_ratio_max) return scale_ratio, aspect_ratio