Source code for chainercv.transforms.image.scale

import PIL

from chainercv.transforms import resize

[docs]def scale(img, size, fit_short=True, interpolation=PIL.Image.BILINEAR): """Rescales the input image to the given "size". When :obj:`fit_short == True`, the input image will be resized so that the shorter edge will be scaled to length :obj:`size` after resizing. For example, if the height of the image is larger than its width, image will be resized to (size * height / width, size). Otherwise, the input image will be resized so that the longer edge will be scaled to length :obj:`size` after resizing. Args: img (~numpy.ndarray): An image array to be scaled. This is in CHW format. size (int): The length of the smaller edge. fit_short (bool): Determines whether to match the length of the shorter edge or the longer edge to :obj:`size`. interpolation (int): Determines sampling strategy. This is one of :obj:`PIL.Image.NEAREST`, :obj:`PIL.Image.BILINEAR`, :obj:`PIL.Image.BICUBIC`, :obj:`PIL.Image.LANCZOS`. Bilinear interpolation is the default strategy. Returns: ~numpy.ndarray: A scaled image in CHW format. """ _, H, W = img.shape # If resizing is not necessary, return the input as is. if fit_short and ((H <= W and H == size) or (W <= H and W == size)): return img if not fit_short and ((H >= W and H == size) or (W >= H and W == size)): return img if fit_short: if H < W: out_size = (size, int(size * W / H)) else: out_size = (int(size * H / W), size) else: if H < W: out_size = (int(size * H / W), size) else: out_size = (size, int(size * W / H)) return resize(img, out_size, interpolation)