Source code for chainercv.transforms.image.ten_crop

import numpy as np

[docs]def ten_crop(img, size): """Crop 10 regions from an array. This method crops 10 regions. All regions will be in shape :obj:`size`. These regions consist of 1 center crop and 4 corner crops and horizontal flips of them. The crops are ordered in this order. * center crop * top-left crop * bottom-left crop * top-right crop * bottom-right crop * center crop (flipped horizontally) * top-left crop (flipped horizontally) * bottom-left crop (flipped horizontally) * top-right crop (flipped horizontally) * bottom-right crop (flipped horizontally) Args: img (~numpy.ndarray): An image array to be cropped. This is in CHW format. size (tuple): The size of output images after cropping. This value is :math:`(height, width)`. Returns: The cropped arrays. The shape of tensor is :math:`(10, C, H, W)`. """ H, W = size iH, iW = img.shape[1:3] if iH < H or iW < W: raise ValueError('shape of image is smaller than output shape') crops = np.stack(( img[:, (iH - H) // 2:(iH + H) // 2, (iW - W) // 2:(iW + W) // 2], img[:, 0:H, 0:W], img[:, iH - H:iH, 0:W], img[:, 0:H, iW - W:iW], img[:, iH - H:iH, iW - W:iW], )) crops = np.vstack((crops, crops[:, :, :, ::-1])) return crops