Source code for chainercv.utils.image.tile_images

from __future__ import division

import math
import numpy as np

[docs]def tile_images(imgs, n_col, pad=2, fill=0): """Make a tile of images Args: imgs (numpy.ndarray): A batch of images whose shape is BCHW. n_col (int): The number of columns in a tile. pad (int or tuple of two ints): :obj:`pad_y, pad_x`. This is the amounts of padding in y and x directions. If this is an integer, the amounts of padding in the two directions are the same. The default value is 2. fill (float, tuple or ~numpy.ndarray): The value of padded pixels. If it is :class:`numpy.ndarray`, its shape should be :math:`(C, 1, 1)`, where :math:`C` is the number of channels of :obj:`img`. Returns: ~numpy.ndarray: An image array in CHW format. The size of this image is :math:`((H + pad_{y}) \\times \\lceil B / n_{n_{col}} \\rceil, (W + pad_{x}) \\times n_{col})`. """ if isinstance(pad, int): pad = (pad, pad) pad_y, pad_x = pad B, C, H, W = imgs.shape n_col = min(n_col, B) n_row = int(math.ceil(B / n_col)) shape = (C, (H + pad_y) * n_row, (W + pad_x) * n_col) tile = np.empty(shape, dtype=imgs.dtype) tile[:] = np.array(fill).reshape((-1, 1, 1)) k = 0 for y in range(n_row): for x in range(n_col): if k >= B: break start_y = y * (H + pad_y) + pad_y // 2 start_x = x * (W + pad_x) + pad_x // 2 tile[:, start_y: start_y + H, start_x: start_x + W] = imgs[k] k += 1 return tile