Source code for chainercv.utils.testing.assertions.assert_is_image

import numpy as np

[docs]def assert_is_image(img, color=True, check_range=True): """Checks if an image satisfies image format. This function checks if a given image satisfies image format or not. If the image does not satifiy the format, this function raises an :class:`AssertionError`. Args: img (~numpy.ndarray): An image to be checked. color (bool): A boolean that determines the expected channel size. If it is :obj:`True`, the number of channels should be :obj:`3`. Otherwise, it should be :obj:`1`. The default value is :obj:`True`. check_range (bool): A boolean that determines whether the range of values are checked or not. If it is :obj:`True`, The values of image must be in :math:`[0, 255]`. Otherwise, this function does not check the range. The default value is :obj:`True`. """ assert isinstance(img, np.ndarray), 'img must be a numpy.ndarray.' assert len(img.shape) == 3, 'img must be a 3-dimensional array.' C, H, W = img.shape if color: assert C == 3, 'The number of channels must be 3.' else: assert C == 1, 'The number of channels must be 1.' if check_range: assert img.min() >= 0 and img.max() <= 255, \ 'The values of img must be in [0, 255].'