Source code for chainercv.visualizations.vis_instance_segmentation

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

from chainercv.utils.mask.mask_to_bbox import mask_to_bbox
from chainercv.visualizations.colormap import voc_colormap
from chainercv.visualizations import vis_image

[docs]def vis_instance_segmentation( img, mask, label=None, score=None, label_names=None, instance_colors=None, alpha=0.7, ax=None): """Visualize instance segmentation. Example: This example visualizes an image and an instance segmentation. >>> from chainercv.datasets import SBDInstanceSegmentationDataset >>> from chainercv.datasets \ ... import sbd_instance_segmentation_label_names >>> from chainercv.visualizations import vis_instance_segmentation >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> dataset = SBDInstanceSegmentationDataset() >>> img, mask, label = dataset[0] >>> vis_instance_segmentation( ... img, mask, label, ... label_names=sbd_instance_segmentation_label_names) >>> This example visualizes an image, an instance segmentation and bounding boxes. >>> from chainercv.datasets import SBDInstanceSegmentationDataset >>> from chainercv.datasets \ ... import sbd_instance_segmentation_label_names >>> from chainercv.visualizations import vis_bbox >>> from chainercv.visualizations import vis_instance_segmentation >>> from chainercv.visualizations.colormap import voc_colormap >>> from chainercv.utils import mask_to_bbox >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> dataset = SBDInstanceSegmentationDataset() >>> img, mask, label = dataset[0] >>> bbox = mask_to_bbox(mask) >>> colors = voc_colormap(list(range(1, len(mask) + 1))) >>> ax = vis_bbox(img, bbox, label, ... label_names=sbd_instance_segmentation_label_names, ... instance_colors=colors, alpha=0.7, linewidth=0.5) >>> vis_instance_segmentation( ... None, mask, instance_colors=colors, alpha=0.7, ax=ax) >>> Args: img (~numpy.ndarray): An array of shape :math:`(3, H, W)`. This is in RGB format and the range of its value is :math:`[0, 255]`. If this is :obj:`None`, no image is displayed. mask (~numpy.ndarray): A bool array of shape :math`(R, H, W)`. If there is an object, the value of the pixel is :obj:`True`, and otherwise, it is :obj:`False`. label (~numpy.ndarray): An integer array of shape :math:`(R, )`. The values correspond to id for label names stored in :obj:`label_names`. score (~numpy.ndarray): A float array of shape :math:`(R,)`. Each value indicates how confident the prediction is. This is optional. label_names (iterable of strings): Name of labels ordered according to label ids. instance_colors (iterable of tuple): List of colors. Each color is RGB format and the range of its values is :math:`[0, 255]`. The :obj:`i`-th element is the color used to visualize the :obj:`i`-th instance. If :obj:`instance_colors` is :obj:`None`, the default color map is used. alpha (float): The value which determines transparency of the figure. The range of this value is :math:`[0, 1]`. If this value is :obj:`0`, the figure will be completely transparent. The default value is :obj:`0.7`. This option is useful for overlaying the label on the source image. ax (matplotlib.axes.Axis): The visualization is displayed on this axis. If this is :obj:`None` (default), a new axis is created. Returns: matploblib.axes.Axes: Returns :obj:`ax`. :obj:`ax` is an :class:`matploblib.axes.Axes` with the plot. """ # Returns newly instantiated matplotlib.axes.Axes object if ax is None ax = vis_image(img, ax=ax) bbox = mask_to_bbox(mask) if len(bbox) != len(mask): raise ValueError('The length of mask must be same as that of bbox') if label is not None and len(bbox) != len(label): raise ValueError('The length of label must be same as that of bbox') if score is not None and len(bbox) != len(score): raise ValueError('The length of score must be same as that of bbox') n_inst = len(bbox) if instance_colors is None: instance_colors = voc_colormap(list(range(1, n_inst + 1))) instance_colors = np.array(instance_colors) _, H, W = mask.shape canvas_img = np.zeros((H, W, 4), dtype=np.uint8) for i, (bb, msk) in enumerate(zip(bbox, mask)): # The length of `colors` can be smaller than the number of instances # if a non-default `colors` is used. color = instance_colors[i % len(instance_colors)] rgba = np.append(color, alpha * 255) bb = np.round(bb).astype(np.int32) y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max = bb if y_max > y_min and x_max > x_min: canvas_img[msk] = rgba caption = [] if label is not None and label_names is not None: lb = label[i] if not (0 <= lb < len(label_names)): raise ValueError('No corresponding name is given') caption.append(label_names[lb]) if score is not None: sc = score[i] caption.append('{:.2f}'.format(sc)) if len(caption) > 0: ax.text((x_max + x_min) / 2, y_min, ': '.join(caption), style='italic', bbox={'facecolor': color / 255, 'alpha': alpha}, fontsize=8, color='white') ax.imshow(canvas_img) return ax