Source code for chainercv.visualizations.vis_point

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import six

from chainercv.visualizations.vis_image import vis_image

[docs]def vis_point(img, point, mask=None, ax=None): """Visualize points in an image. Example: >>> import chainercv >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> dataset = chainercv.datasets.CUBPointDataset() >>> img, point, mask = dataset[0] >>> chainercv.visualizations.vis_point(img, point, mask) >>> Args: img (~numpy.ndarray): An image of shape :math:`(3, height, width)`. This is in RGB format and the range of its value is :math:`[0, 255]`. This should be visualizable using :obj:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow(img)` point (~numpy.ndarray): An array of point coordinates whose shape is :math:`(P, 2)`, where :math:`P` is the number of points. The second axis corresponds to :math:`y` and :math:`x` coordinates of the points. mask (~numpy.ndarray): A boolean array whose shape is :math:`(P,)`. If :math:`i` th element is :obj:`True`, the :math:`i` th point is not displayed. If not specified, all points in :obj:`point` will be displayed. ax (matplotlib.axes.Axes): If provided, plot on this axis. Returns: ~matploblib.axes.Axes: Returns the Axes object with the plot for further tweaking. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Returns newly instantiated matplotlib.axes.Axes object if ax is None ax = vis_image(img, ax=ax) _, H, W = img.shape n_point = len(point) if mask is None: mask = np.ones((n_point,), dtype=np.bool) cm = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow') colors = [cm(i / n_point) for i in six.moves.range(n_point)] for i in range(n_point): if mask[i]: ax.scatter(point[i][1], point[i][0], c=colors[i], s=100) ax.set_xlim(left=0, right=W) ax.set_ylim(bottom=H - 1, top=0) return ax