Source code for chainercv.visualizations.vis_semantic_segmentation

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np

from chainercv.visualizations.colormap import voc_colormap
from chainercv.visualizations import vis_image

[docs]def vis_semantic_segmentation( img, label, label_names=None, label_colors=None, ignore_label_color=(0, 0, 0), alpha=1, all_label_names_in_legend=False, ax=None): """Visualize a semantic segmentation. Example: >>> from chainercv.datasets import VOCSemanticSegmentationDataset >>> from chainercv.datasets \ ... import voc_semantic_segmentation_label_colors >>> from chainercv.datasets \ ... import voc_semantic_segmentation_label_names >>> from chainercv.visualizations import vis_semantic_segmentation >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> dataset = VOCSemanticSegmentationDataset() >>> img, label = dataset[60] >>> ax, legend_handles = vis_semantic_segmentation( ... img, label, ... label_names=voc_semantic_segmentation_label_names, ... label_colors=voc_semantic_segmentation_label_colors, ... alpha=0.9) >>> ax.legend(handles=legend_handles, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1), loc=2) >>> Args: img (~numpy.ndarray): An array of shape :math:`(3, height, width)`. This is in RGB format and the range of its value is :math:`[0, 255]`. If this is :obj:`None`, no image is displayed. label (~numpy.ndarray): An integer array of shape :math:`(height, width)`. The values correspond to id for label names stored in :obj:`label_names`. label_names (iterable of strings): Name of labels ordered according to label ids. label_colors: (iterable of tuple): An iterable of colors for regular labels. Each color is RGB format and the range of its values is :math:`[0, 255]`. If :obj:`colors` is :obj:`None`, the default color map is used. ignore_label_color (tuple): Color for ignored label. This is RGB format and the range of its values is :math:`[0, 255]`. The default value is :obj:`(0, 0, 0)`. alpha (float): The value which determines transparency of the figure. The range of this value is :math:`[0, 1]`. If this value is :obj:`0`, the figure will be completely transparent. The default value is :obj:`1`. This option is useful for overlaying the label on the source image. all_label_names_in_legend (bool): Determines whether to include all label names in a legend. If this is :obj:`False`, the legend does not contain the names of unused labels. An unused label is defined as a label that does not appear in :obj:`label`. The default value is :obj:`False`. ax (matplotlib.axes.Axis): The visualization is displayed on this axis. If this is :obj:`None` (default), a new axis is created. Returns: matploblib.axes.Axes and list of matplotlib.patches.Patch: Returns :obj:`ax` and :obj:`legend_handles`. :obj:`ax` is an :class:`matploblib.axes.Axes` with the plot. It can be used for further tweaking. :obj:`legend_handles` is a list of legends. It can be passed :func:`matploblib.pyplot.legend` to show a legend. """ import matplotlib from matplotlib.patches import Patch if label_names is not None: n_class = len(label_names) elif label_colors is not None: n_class = len(label_colors) else: n_class = label.max() + 1 if label_colors is not None and not len(label_colors) == n_class: raise ValueError( 'The size of label_colors is not same as the number of classes') if label.max() >= n_class: raise ValueError('The values of label exceed the number of classes') # Returns newly instantiated matplotlib.axes.Axes object if ax is None ax = vis_image(img, ax=ax) if label_names is None: label_names = [str(l) for l in range(label.max() + 1)] if label_colors is None: label_colors = voc_colormap(list(range(n_class))) # [0, 255] -> [0, 1] label_colors = np.array(label_colors) / 255 cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(label_colors) canvas_img = cmap(label / (n_class - 1), alpha=alpha) # [0, 255] -> [0, 1] ignore_label_color = np.array(ignore_label_color) / 255, canvas_img[label < 0, :3] = ignore_label_color ax.imshow(canvas_img) legend_handles = [] if all_label_names_in_legend: legend_labels = [l for l in np.unique(label) if l >= 0] else: legend_labels = range(n_class) for l in legend_labels: legend_handles.append( Patch(color=cmap(l / (n_class - 1)), label=label_names[l])) return ax, legend_handles