
Bounding Box Utilities


chainercv.utils.bbox_iou(bbox_a, bbox_b)

Calculate the Intersection of Unions (IoUs) between bounding boxes.

IoU is calculated as a ratio of area of the intersection and area of the union.

This function accepts both numpy.ndarray and cupy.ndarray as inputs. Please note that both bbox_a and bbox_b need to be same type. The output is same type as the type of the inputs.

  • bbox_a (array) – An array whose shape is \((N, 4)\). \(N\) is the number of bounding boxes. The dtype should be numpy.float32.
  • bbox_b (array) – An array similar to bbox_a, whose shape is \((K, 4)\). The dtype should be numpy.float32.

An array whose shape is \((N, K)\). An element at index \((n, k)\) contains IoUs between \(n\) th bounding box in bbox_a and \(k\) th bounding box in bbox_b.

Return type:



chainercv.utils.non_maximum_suppression(bbox, thresh, score=None, limit=None)

Suppress bounding boxes according to their IoUs.

This method checks each bounding box sequentially and selects the bounding box if the Intersection over Unions (IoUs) between the bounding box and the previously selected bounding boxes is less than thresh. This method is mainly used as postprocessing of object detection. The bounding boxes are selected from ones with higher scores. If score is not provided as an argument, the bounding box is ordered by its index in ascending order.

The bounding boxes are expected to be packed into a two dimensional tensor of shape \((R, 4)\), where \(R\) is the number of bounding boxes in the image. The second axis represents attributes of the bounding box. They are (y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max), where the four attributes are coordinates of the top left and the bottom right vertices.

score is a float array of shape \((R,)\). Each score indicates confidence of prediction.

This function accepts both numpy.ndarray and cupy.ndarray as inputs. Please note that both bbox and score need to be same type. The output is same type as the type of the inputs.

  • bbox (array) – Bounding boxes to be transformed. The shape is \((R, 4)\). \(R\) is the number of bounding boxes.
  • thresh (float) – Threshold of IoUs.
  • score (array) – An array of confidences whose shape is \((R,)\).
  • limit (int) – The upper bound of the number of the output bounding boxes. If it is not specified, this method selects as many bounding boxes as possible.

An array with indices of bounding boxes that are selected. They are sorted by the scores of bounding boxes in descending order. The shape of this array is \((K,)\) and its dtype is numpy.int32. Note that \(K \leq R\).

Return type:


Download Utilities



Downloads a file and caches it.

This is different from the original cached_download in that the download progress is reported.

It downloads a file from the URL if there is no corresponding cache. After the download, this function stores a cache to the directory under the dataset root (see set_dataset_root()). If there is already a cache for the given URL, it just returns the path to the cache without downloading the same file.

Parameters:url (str) – URL to download from.
Returns:Path to the downloaded file.
Return type:str



Downloads a model file and puts it under model directory.

It downloads a file from the URL and puts it under model directory. For exmaple, if url is http://example.com/subdir/model.npz, the pretrained weights file will be saved to $CHAINER_DATASET_ROOT/pfnet/chainercv/models/model.npz. If there is already a file at the destination path, it just returns the path without downloading the same file.

Parameters:url (str) – URL to download from.
Returns:Path to the downloaded file.
Return type:str


chainercv.utils.extractall(file_path, destination, ext)

Extracts an archive file.

This function extracts an archive file to a destination.

  • file_path (str) – The path of a file to be extracted.
  • destination (str) – A directory path. The archive file will be extracted under this directory.
  • ext (str) – An extension suffix of the archive file. This function supports '.zip', '.tar', '.gz' and '.tgz'.

Image Utilities


chainercv.utils.read_image(path, dtype=<type 'numpy.float32'>, color=True)

Read an image from a file.

This function reads an image from given file. The image is CHW format and the range of its value is \([0, 255]\). If color = True, the order of the channels is RGB.

  • path (str) – A path of image file.
  • dtype – The type of array. The default value is float32.
  • color (bool) – This option determines the number of channels. If True, the number of channels is three. In this case, the order of the channels is RGB. This is the default behaviour. If False, this function returns a grayscale image.

An image.

Return type:



chainercv.utils.tile_images(imgs, n_col, pad=2, fill=0)

Make a tile of images

  • imgs (numpy.ndarray) – A batch of images whose shape is BCHW.
  • n_col (int) – The number of columns in a tile.
  • pad (int) – Amount of pad. The default value is 2.
  • fill (float, tuple or ndarray) – The value of padded pixels. If it is numpy.ndarray, its shape should be \((C, 1, 1)\), where \(C\) is the number of channels of img.

An image array in CHW format. The size of this image is \(((H + pad) \times \lceil B / n_{n_{col}} \rceil, (W + pad) \times n_{col})\).

Return type:



chainercv.utils.write_image(img, path)

Save an image to a file.

This function saves an image to given file. The image is in CHW format and the range of its value is \([0, 255]\).

  • image (ndarray) – An image to be saved.
  • path (str) – The path of an image file.

Iterator Utilities


chainercv.utils.apply_prediction_to_iterator(predict, iterator, hook=None)

Apply a prediction function/method to an iterator.

This function applies a prediction function/method to an iterator. It assumes that the iterator returns a batch of images or a batch of tuples whose first element is an image. In the case that it returns a batch of tuples, the rests are treated as ground truth values.

>>> imgs = next(iterator)
>>> # imgs: [img]
>>> batch = next(iterator)
>>> # batch: [(img, gt_val0, gt_val1)]

This function applys predict() to a batch of images and gets predicted value(s). predict() should take a batch of images and return a batch of prediction values or a tuple of batches of prediction values.

>>> pred_vals0 = predict(imgs)
>>> # pred_vals0: [pred_val0]
>>> pred_vals0, pred_vals1 = predict(imgs)
>>> # pred_vals0: [pred_val0]
>>> # pred_vals1: [pred_val1]

Here is an exmple, which applies a pretrained Faster R-CNN to PASCAL VOC dataset.

>>> from chainer import iterators
>>> from chainercv.datasets import VOCDetectionDataset
>>> from chainercv.links import FasterRCNNVGG16
>>> from chainercv.utils import apply_prediction_to_iterator
>>> dataset = VOCDetectionDataset(year='2007', split='test')
>>> # next(iterator) -> [(img, gt_bbox, gt_label)]
>>> iterator = iterators.SerialIterator(
...     dataset, 2, repeat=False, shuffle=False)
>>> # model.predict([img]) -> ([pred_bbox], [pred_label], [pred_score])
>>> model = FasterRCNNVGG16(pretrained_model='voc07')
>>> imgs, pred_values, gt_values = apply_prediction_to_iterator(
...     model.predict, iterator)
>>> # pred_values contains three iterators
>>> pred_bboxes, pred_labels, pred_scores = pred_values
>>> # gt_values contains two iterators
>>> gt_bboxes, gt_labels = gt_values
  • predict – A callable that takes a batch of images and returns prediction.
  • iterator (chainer.Iterator) – An iterator. Each sample should have an image as its first element. This image is passed to predict() as an argument. The rests are treated as ground truth values.
  • hook – A callable that is called after each iteration. imgs, pred_values and gt_values are passed as arguments. Note that these values do not contain data from the previous iterations.

This function returns an iterator and two tuples of iterators: imgs, pred_values and gt_values.

  • imgs: An iterator that returns an image.
  • pred_values: A tuple of iterators. Each iterator returns a corresponding predicted value. For example, if predict() returns ([pred_val0], [pred_val1]), next(pred_values[0]) and next(pred_values[1]) will be pred_val0 and pred_val1.
  • gt_values: A tuple of iterators. Each iterator returns a corresponding ground truth value. For example, if the iterator returns [(img, gt_val0, gt_val1)], next(gt_values[0]) and next(gt_values[1]) will be gt_val0 and gt_val1. If the input iterator does not give any ground truth values, this tuple will be empty.

Return type:

An iterator and two tuples of iterators



Converts an iterable of tuples into a tuple of iterators.

This function converts an iterable of tuples into a tuple of iterators. This is an inverse function of six.moves.zip().

>>> from chainercv.utils import unzip
>>> data = [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd'), (4, 'e')]
>>> int_iter, str_iter = unzip(data)
>>> next(int_iter)  # 0
>>> next(int_iter)  # 1
>>> next(int_iter)  # 2
>>> next(str_iter)  # 'a'
>>> next(str_iter)  # 'b'
>>> next(str_iter)  # 'c'
Parameters:iterable (iterable) – An iterable of tuples. All tuples should have the same length.
Returns:Each iterator corresponds to each element of input tuple. Note that each iterator stores values until they are popped. To reduce memory usage, it is recommended to delete unused iterators.
Return type:tuple of iterators

Testing Utilities


chainercv.utils.assert_is_bbox(bbox, size=None)

Checks if bounding boxes satisfy bounding box format.

This function checks if given bounding boxes satisfy bounding boxes format or not. If the bounding boxes do not satifiy the format, this function raises an AssertionError.

  • bbox (ndarray) – Bounding boxes to be checked.
  • size (tuple of ints) – The size of an image. If this argument is specified, Each bounding box should be within the image.


chainercv.utils.assert_is_bbox_dataset(dataset, n_fg_class, n_example=None)

Checks if a dataset satisfies bounding box dataset APIs.

This function checks if a given dataset satisfies bounding box dataset APIs or not. If the dataset does not satifiy the APIs, this function raises an AssertionError.

  • dataset – A dataset to be checked.
  • n_fg_class (int) – The number of foreground classes.
  • n_example (int) – The number of examples to be checked. If this argument is specified, this function picks examples ramdomly and checks them. Otherwise, this function checks all examples.


chainercv.utils.assert_is_image(img, color=True, check_range=True)

Checks if an image satisfies image format.

This function checks if a given image satisfies image format or not. If the image does not satifiy the format, this function raises an AssertionError.

  • img (ndarray) – An image to be checked.
  • color (bool) – A boolean that determines the expected channel size. If it is True, the number of channels should be 3. Otherwise, it should be 1. The default value is True.
  • check_range (bool) – A boolean that determines whether the range of values are checked or not. If it is True, The values of image must be in \([0, 255]\). Otherwise, this function does not check the range. The default value is True.


chainercv.utils.assert_is_label_dataset(dataset, n_class, n_example=None, color=True)

Checks if a dataset satisfies label dataset APIs.

This function checks if a given dataset satisfies label dataset APIs or not. If the dataset does not satifiy the APIs, this function raises an AssertionError.

  • dataset – A dataset to be checked.
  • n_class (int) – The number of classes.
  • n_example (int) – The number of examples to be checked. If this argument is specified, this function picks examples ramdomly and checks them. Otherwise, this function checks all examples.
  • color (bool) – A boolean that determines the expected channel size. If it is True, the number of channels should be 3. Otherwise, it should be 1. The default value is True.


chainercv.utils.assert_is_semantic_segmentation_dataset(dataset, n_class, n_example=None)

Checks if a dataset satisfies semantic segmentation dataset APIs.

This function checks if a given dataset satisfies semantic segmentation dataset APIs or not. If the dataset does not satifiy the APIs, this function raises an AssertionError.

  • dataset – A dataset to be checked.
  • n_class (int) – The number of classes including background.
  • n_example (int) – The number of examples to be checked. If this argument is specified, this function picks examples ramdomly and checks them. Otherwise, this function checks all examples.


chainercv.utils.generate_random_bbox(n, img_size, min_length, max_length)

Generate valid bounding boxes with random position and shape.

  • n (int) – The number of bounding boxes.
  • img_size (tuple) – A tuple of length 2. The height and the width of the image on which bounding boxes locate.
  • min_length (float) – The minimum length of edges of bounding boxes.
  • max_length (float) – The maximum length of edges of bounding boxes.

Coordinates of bounding boxes. Its shape is \((R, 4)\). Here, \(R\) equals n. The second axis contains \(y_{min}, x_{min}, y_{max}, x_{max}\), where \(min\_length \leq y_{max} - y_{min} < max\_length\). and \(min\_length \leq x_{max} - x_{min} < max\_length\)

Return type:
